viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Party in Ljubljana, hell yeahh !

Heey guys !

Haven't written any post for like 2 weeks, let's be honest, I am kinda lazy to do so, and quite busy.
Classes has started already couple of weeks ago, nothing special really, I haven't reduced the class load respect to the first semester, actually is the same, I have again 7 subjects, which 4 of them are really important for me to coz they are very difficult to pass in my home university, but this is not the point really.

What have I done lately? well, beside of going to class every single day and getting bored a usual, it's partying around ! I don't now if I mentioned before the places students can go partying in Ljubljana, so let's make the first one of plenty of them.

For me, this week of social life, ok lets say partying,  was reduced to 1 party during weekdays, (damn flu !) I was recovering from being sick, so the brightless idea is going out sick, altough I did go out for a while on Tuesday night coz it was the 'the Anual Rozna Dolina Costume Party'. Due to the Carnivals the students organization or something like that prepared a costume party for the cause. They put a big tent in in the football field for the people to stay drunked under security and warmness. A big success I must say, the pre tickets were totally sold out ne day before the official date, and later they were selling 200 extra tickets that were sold out in one hour also.. so imagine how crowded was it. I had my ticket, but I didn;t stay long, I just wanted to check out how was the party and stuff, I hang out for a little while with some friends and later I got back to my room. It could have been a real fun if I wasn't sick that day, but well, It was good to see people havinf fun tough.

Anyway, this is not what I want to focus on... and this is... partying in Companeros Club on Thursday nights! Every single Thursday there is Erasmus party in that club, so for us , Erasmus student it is almost a must to go there, full of exchange student under one roof, and of course local students.

As usual, before hitting the club, we gathered in the dorms to prepare our bodies a little bit, for students that mean, drinking before going to the club. But yesterday night was a little bit different, we had special Slovak drinks Monika brought us before she went back to Slovakia. And there were lots of alcohol for 8 people. Under normal circumstances having lots of drink is not a big deal, but when you have several bottles of white wine and a peer licquor of 50 degrees, it really matters..  (Thanks Monika for the drinks!)

What can I say about the warming up, very good, some chitchatting, playing pyramid, you know, fun stuff. Around 2am or so we decided that we were ready to gou out, so we called two taxis to hit the party (taxi here is really cheap, not like in Madrid). 'Metro Taxi? Dve Taxi Rozna Dolina, Yellow Trafika Prosim' is most wide said sentence during the nights...

About the club, nothing special really, there are better places to party, but the environment is quite good, the music is not bad either, but the best thing is that is close down at 5am, one of the latest in the city, that is really a plus. So as usual, after a long night dancing we packed the left overs of our bodies and hit back home at 5...

On the following post I will write about other party places like Orto Bar, Metelkova, K4 and so on!!
C'mon this is Erasmus and party is what is about !

1 abrazo guys!

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