The fact itself it's not interesting, but how long was the travelling deserves a blog post.
After the fantastic weekend, partying, chatting, and drinking homw made kuhano vino.. yess!! We made Kuhano Vino ourselfs for the first time with red wine and some prepared flavour, it tasted quite well, and our Anja also liked it, so we can confirm that wasn't bad at all, next time we'll make it even better.
What I was saying, that night I didn't sleep enough coz the next day I had class.adding the fact that during the trip I didn't sleep either I arrived to Madrid with only 8 hours of sleep in 2 days, fever and coughing like hell, and I'll explain why,,,
On Monday night I decided to not to sleep till the departure of the train to Monfalcone, but instead go to Parlament Pub and party the last time in Ljubljana, by 1:30 we went to have the last mesni burek of the year (at least for me) and then head to the central station. The train departed at 2:28 sharp, but due to some techinical porblems during the journey, it stopped several times, but not big deal, we arrived to Monfalcone 20 minutes later than stipulated. Later on we cought a bus to Trieste airport from the city (after walking like 15 minutes...). Since out plane was scheduled for 9:10, and we arrived there around 7 ,we decided to go and grab some breakfast till it was time to board
For the 2 hours travel from Trieste to Valencia I slept like half of the way, coz you know how annoying is Ryanair with its advertisement at high volume during the travel...
So 2 hours of plane, and tadaaa!!! we finally got to our homeland Spain!! but for some of us ti was the final point of travel, but for the rest (aka me and 2 others) had to stay few more hours to catch the next flight, for me to Madrid. While waiting I managed get some sleep, but due to the hard seats fo the airport I couldn't sleep much, so I turned on the laptop and watched some episodes of TBBT.
Around 4pm my flight took off and after 1 hour landed finally in Madrid, where my lovely mom was waiting for me.
By know u can imagine why I didn't sleep that much on my way home, but that doesn't matter even I was hell tired, I went at 9:00pm to Sol where I was going to meet my long time friends for dinner and do some chit chatting like we are used to...
For those who were wondering If I am feeling better, yess indeed! I woke up this morning feeling terrific, thanks to the drugs and 10 hours of sleep... lol
Em! Yo también son fan de The Big Bang Theory! Ya comentaremos jeje