lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

The See U Later...

I still remember the farewell party with my long life friends and those from college like it was yesterday.
It was really hard to say goodbye, since I am not staying here forever it is only a see you after Erasmus, but It was tough though.

I miss the aquerrale moments with my two cousins, Eli and Tati, I really thank I made good friends around here to do so, but it's not like spendind evening in home, drinkin milk with u girls.

I really miss spendind time with you guys, I miss those well spent evenings in the Stur, having a nice cup of Caramel Macchiato with the IB guys, those weekend night in Alex house, talking for hours and hours while eating ice cream and fuet.

But I don't only miss the IB people, also the guys from college, I miss so much playing Mus and eating a well made Patatas Alioli with Miky, Charlie, Julius and the German, now that I think, we don't have to queue to play since you are four now, but, don't forget about me, this is inly temporary.

And last but not least, I miss also those sisha and tapas moments with a meter of Sangria along with Martis, Yuls, Rokis, Draisis, Rusis, Alex ans Sus. And of course the fun in class, without you it's not/won't be the same.

This entry is for all of you that made my life bigger, richer, and better. You are part of my life and part of my growing up joerney.

This is for the every single one of you Tati, Eli, Pablo, Crus, Adri, Yola, Ire, Alex M.A., Clari Mari, Gon, Kelo, Miky, Charlie, Julius, German, Draisis, Yuls, Rokis, Mar, Alex U., Sus, Rusis, Ali, Issi, Lorelaine.

I miss you so much!!

1 comentario:

  1. pero que no habia visto esto ! ooh milo...bueno, ya sabes mi respuesta cuando me dijiste q qizas extiendes tu estancia...

