miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

How I met Daniela and Marte

Friday morning, 24th of September.

I am again late, just slept 4 hours coz last night I went with my slovene 'flat' mate and his friends to drink and smoke sisha, fantastic night tough.
Miha and two other Erasmus were waiting for me in the car.
I was kinda tired as u can imagine, so I didn't take much attention to the Erasmus guys in the car, after dealing with my tireness, and introducing myself, they told me their respective names, Daniela (Dani) and Marte, and one minute later of assimilating the names I realized I met them already, but on FB!! haha, through the Erasmus in Ljubljana group.
I don't know, but I found the moment very funny, coz we have talked before but haven't met in person, this is what facebook does nowadays, good job!!

Long story short, after talking for a while, it seemed like we have actually known each other for quite a long time, we arrived to Piran, walked around for a while, and end up swimming in the Adriatic Sea.

After getting out of the water, it was freaking cold back in there!! , we just layed on the grass and chilled out for a couple of hours before going back to Ljubljana.

Thank you Miha for taking us to the beach!! It is memorable!!

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

The SIMUN 2010 experience

14th of September, Tuesday,  first day of the SIMUN 2010, I packed part of my stuff and brought them with me to Hostel Veselova, where I met some of the fantastic organizers of the event.  I also met some of the best people and delegations ever of a MUN. I can't really explain how fanstasticas it was the simulation and how much fun did I have.

As some of you may know what is SIMUN aboutt, we spent 4 days debating about Environmental issues and Global Poverty

SIMUN is not just debate and solve the world, but partying hard, I think I've never partied and had that much fun like this week in my whole life
I still remember the African Night in Metelkova, KMS, Companeros and Bacchus, party almost all night long and sleeping just 4 hours average per night, nevertheless we made it to the faculty of Social Science every day!! 
                                                       (African Night in Metelkova)
                                                                     Partying in KMŠ
                                                               Goodbye party in Bacchus

I just can't be thankful enough for all the people involved organizing the event, you guys did really a fantastic job.

I also have to thank all the fantastic delegates that have participated, you are all amazing, but special mention to the delegation of Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and Germany. I won't ever ever forget u guys!! 

I hope to see u all soon!!

The Delegate of Australia misses you all!! 

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

The arrival: Welcome to Ljubljana

Here I continue with the trip to the country that is going to be my home for my Erasmus stay, this is Ljubljana.
I arrived around 2am in the morning to Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, if I that can be called an aiport (no ofense to anyone), but it was freaking small!!! I rememebr going out of the plane, followed the baggage sign and 2 minutes later it was the luggage pick up area.. and after there was a door that was the exit, and outside of that there were just 4 tables with a bucnh of chairs.. so imagine how small it is.. even Macau's airport is bigger...
Since I arrived pretty late that night, I dind't booked any hostel room to stay for the first night, so my plan was to chill out in the check-in area.. again , a very small one, there were only 3 chairs and 8 check in counters.. at least they had free wi-fi, so I just turned my laptop on and watched few Friends episodes, until 6 in the motning.

After that I just took the airport bus to Ljubljana's train/bus station, around 1 hour trip, et voilà.. Ljubljana. My very first thought was, "what the hell is this and why am I here", it looked a little bit creepy, the fog didn't helped much, coz I couldn't barely see anything beside of a taxi line and the "bus station",( a bus parking slot.. )
Standing there for a while and deciding what the next would be, I took a taxi to the dorms in Rozna Dolina, that I think I got cheated, it cost me 15 euros for a 2 km ride.. but well, I realized later that it wasn't Metro taxi, so it was fine for just once.. 

(this is actually the bus station, so imagine it full of fog, how creepy is that?)

Later on I looked for the dormitory office and checked my self in for a room, they gave me 704 room in block 9, so I just took all my baggage and moved into the dorm.
I will save the details of the room and the roommate coz I moved out of that hell 2 weeks later. Just 2 bad things, the f******* chinese roommate was cooking all the time in the room (it smelled like hell all the time), and there were only 3 common showers and sinks for the whole floors (around 20 people..).
Ohh rigth, another thing from my ex-room mate. I rememebr unpacking my stuff when he came in and said, haaam, and I said, haam what? he answerd, I am not surprised that you are Asian..  wtf?! my questions was? was he even expecting an Asian room mate ?! that's an answer I will never know... 

Anyway, after settling down I went to do some sigthseeing and deal with the university bureaucracy, I took my student card in Kongresni Trg, I got my Certificate of Attendance filled out, and pretty much that. 
After walking for a while, I just came back to my room, settle the internet connection and chilled out for the rest of the day!! 

I apologize for not uploading any pictures yet, but I don't have pics netiher of the airport nor the foggy day, nor the old room of mine. I will upload some pics eventually for the following entries.

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

The Departure, on my way to Ljubljana!

Saturday, 11th of September, this was the day I began my journey to Ljubljana, but I went first to Barcelona.
I didn't really start well the trip, on my way to Atocha to take the AVE to Bcn, I realized that I forgot my passport!! yeahh, this is me, I forget stuff when on the most appropiate moment, gladly I went with sufficient time, so I went back to my home, grabbed the passport and went to the trains station.
But that was the worst part of the day and it wasn't really a big deal. 
At 10:30 sharp the traing began it's way to the Ciudad Condal, it took me 2 hours and a half, that I can recall, I was sleeping the whole time, so by the time I woke up, I arrived there.
What can I say about Bcn, unique and amazing city like no other, beautiful and great food. I love Bcn in other words, I wish I had more time to visit it, but I was like the 4th/5th time that I went over there.

Mmmm. what else can I say, well my flight was scheduled for 21:00, but it was delayed 2 hours, so I just hanged out in El Prat till the boarding time.
And to finish I would like to thank the check in guy that let me check my buggage without paying a penalty even I had 2 more kg of the permitted allowance!! 

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

The See U Later...

I still remember the farewell party with my long life friends and those from college like it was yesterday.
It was really hard to say goodbye, since I am not staying here forever it is only a see you after Erasmus, but It was tough though.

I miss the aquerrale moments with my two cousins, Eli and Tati, I really thank I made good friends around here to do so, but it's not like spendind evening in home, drinkin milk with u girls.

I really miss spendind time with you guys, I miss those well spent evenings in the Stur, having a nice cup of Caramel Macchiato with the IB guys, those weekend night in Alex house, talking for hours and hours while eating ice cream and fuet.

But I don't only miss the IB people, also the guys from college, I miss so much playing Mus and eating a well made Patatas Alioli with Miky, Charlie, Julius and the German, now that I think, we don't have to queue to play since you are four now, but, don't forget about me, this is inly temporary.

And last but not least, I miss also those sisha and tapas moments with a meter of Sangria along with Martis, Yuls, Rokis, Draisis, Rusis, Alex ans Sus. And of course the fun in class, without you it's not/won't be the same.

This entry is for all of you that made my life bigger, richer, and better. You are part of my life and part of my growing up joerney.

This is for the every single one of you Tati, Eli, Pablo, Crus, Adri, Yola, Ire, Alex M.A., Clari Mari, Gon, Kelo, Miky, Charlie, Julius, German, Draisis, Yuls, Rokis, Mar, Alex U., Sus, Rusis, Ali, Issi, Lorelaine.

I miss you so much!!

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

The Diary

Hello guys !
I kindly invite you to follow my blog where I will talk about my adventures, starting from my  Erasmus life, and that begins the 12th of Spetember 2010.
Even though it's been already 1 month since I arrived to Ljubljana, I will try to remember the most memorable moment from the very beginning and so on, I hope you like it.
